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I am new comer, have interest in atom physics.
So I have read several [Newton Magazine (monthly published in japan and s.korea)], [Newton Highlights (special edition of Newton magazine covering specific science subjects)]
Especially about supernova, lifecycle of star, make process of atoms in periodic table.
So Newton's description is aparted and short, so it don't covered whole process thoroughly.
So what I know is atoms (from hydrogen) are made within star, more heavy star can make more heavy weight atoms.
1. Hydrogen-> 2. Helium-> 3. Lithium->... but Newton suddenly skips 4. Beryllium and 5. Boron and then just start to describe 6. Carbon. Book says Carbon is generated by fusion of 3 Helium atoms.
And Helium is generated by 4 Hydrogen within star, it is good, but how about Beryllium, Boron? How they are generated?
All of them are generated by Hydrogen fusioned to Helium? or?
and how exactly higher number atoms generated? Book just says up to 26. Iron, star can generate inside of them.
But how? I want to know how each atom generated.
For example, Iron is generated by some big two atoms like 13. Aluminium? or from 25. Manganese, Hydrogen fusioned and so Iron generated? or other method?
and specific atom's generate way is decided by one way? or it can be generated by many methods?
Newton magazine does not cover about this. But I want to know.
Can you let me know? or recommend books covers about these more details?