I am a male Chinese ex-MOE teacher with 8 years of teaching experience in Mathematics at Secondary level.                   I conduct 1-1 home tuition and students I have taught this year includes students from Nanyang Girls, River Valley ACSI, MGS, Gan Eng Seng, Fairfield Methodist, CHIJ St Theresa, Tanjong Katong Sec, Dunearn Sec and Juying Sec. Preferred locations: West/Northwest.                                                                                                                                                      I also conduct online lessons here if you wish to learn about a particular topic or have questions you wish to clarify. My rates here will be $10 for a 20 min session. Payment is to be made first before the start of a lesson. Please visit www.mathtuitionsec.com or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to arrange for a lesson.